Putnam County is a hot spot for traffic citations. With both interstate 40 and Highway 111 crossing the county, we see a fair share of speeding tickets.
Most CDL drivers end up with additional violations.
Mr. Wilson has extensive experience dealing with both regular citations and CDL citations. Pick your option below to learn how we can help.
If you're caught speeding, driving on a suspended license, or have another citation, you're in the right spot! In fact, if you meet certain requirements, you don't even have to have an appointment.
When it comes to CDL tickets, we've seen it all -- speeding, illegal passing, log books, driving on suspended, wrecks, and everything in between. We know that trucking is the backbone of our economy and that you are held to the highest standards by the law, by your company, and by the insurance carriers.
Unfortunately the District Attorney for Putnam County is strict with CDL drivers. No matter who your attorney is, you're going to have a difficult time in resolving your tickets. Having said that, I frequently deal with the ADA who handles CDL tickets. If there's something to be done. I'll get it done.
Set up an appointment and let's chat about your specifics, best case scenarios and worst case scenarios.